Jamie House Design

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JHD Weekender, 4.


  • The tyranny of convenience. Really fabulous article. Moving to Europe has caused me to really analyze life in the US vs. life in the EU. The thing that jumps out at me the most is the US is very dedicated to remaining comfortable. *Not to judge any way of living. I just like to notice the different ways people move throughout the world and their life.
  • Dripping plastic furniture
  • What self care really means. "It means rewiring what you have until your everyday life isn’t something you need therapy to recover from."
  • I have become a bit obsessed with this new to me blog, Ben & Birdy, that Wednesday Chef pointed out. It has the same beauty of blogs 10 years ago. It's refreshing. And the recipes are excellent. 
  • This article about how the author Metabolizes Stress and Anxiety is spot on for me. It's an interesting way to think about it. I identify. 
  • I fade in and out of meditation based on what's going on in my life. I'm currently studying it and have found great information from Tara Brach
  • If you're looking to travel Europe the site, Rear View Mirror, is a great introduction. So many places in Europe get overlooked for Tuscany & Paris. Well there is so much more! 
  • I'm entering mid-life. Not quite there but close enough to be feeling it. This read by Brene Brown, always brilliant, is comforting. And not. But some real honesty about it is exactly what I was looking for. 
  • The Brand Influencer Power Struggle. If you're curious about the concept of influencer this article should help.

I'll be hanging around Berlin enjoying the last bits of real summer with my family. Hopefully a trip to the lake later on today is in the cards. Also grocery delivery in Berlin has changed my life. Hallelujah for grocery delivery! 

Schönes Wochenende!