Hey all! I've been contemplating my return to blogging & how much to share or not. It's always such a fine line. This social media "expert" says to keep your personal life out of it while at the same time saying people want to know who you are. While other experts say to walk the line b/n personal & business & that you have to post everyday or you're sunk. Nevertheless, I'm learning to block out those voices. I have so much to say & it gets jumbled when I'm trying to figure out what everyone else thinks I should do.
I've taken a job at a local furniture store to supplement my business. It's a lot of work & completely different from anything that I've ever done. Challenging to say the least;) I'm back to blogging. I took a much needed break...a little shelter to determine my next steps. I'm fully renewed & ready for the next phase of this bloggity & my business. I can't wait to share with you the amazing projects I've been working on as well as my adorable house.
Thanks so much for reading! I value you more than you know:)