The fabulous Moggit Girls & CreateGirl have come up with the fabulous idea of Nate Day to honor Nate Berkus & his new TV show debuting September 13 & ALSO the real purpose is to draw attention to the design bloggers & their support of Nate. Since I'm new to the design blogging game, I thought I'd join in:)
I want to highlight my very favorite makeover that Nate did for O at Home in 2004. Any designer can make a pretty room, Nate is genius at the makeovers. I had this article saved in my secret design stash since I saw it in 2004. I'm blown away I can keep anything so long, let alone be able to put my hands on it when I need it! But for Nate I will;)
Be sure to check out all of the other amazing posts for Nate Day! Search Twitter for #nateday. Thanks Nate for living the designer dream! I can't wait to see the show!
XX, Jamie