Happy Monday all! I am going a million directions right now. & my office computer bit the dust so now I'm REALLY without computer & although I haven't lost anything (thanks to my trusty external hard-drive) it's hard to deal w/out my OWN computer you know. I miss photoshop most of all.
Also! Mr. Wonderful has bought an adorable house & we're hoping to move ASAP. So we've been packing all weekend! I can't wait to show you pictures & get working on it. I picked the paint colors & we hope to have it painted by Friday....but we'll see. I love selecting paint colors for other people...it's SO HARD for me to select my own. I can't seem to make a decision! So I finally narrowed it down & the painter showed up to price the job so I just went with what I had at that moment. I'm sure it'll turn out. Right? ;) So there you have it, even designer's stress over their paint colors!
I'm working with Miss Michelle & have gotten behind on our coaching since being out of town...so I have loads of homework to do. I also have a few fabrics to select at the Decorative Center for sweet clients. Some filing that's out of control. A studio to pack. A painter to meet. This week will be crazy busy! It always is this time of year! I have a blog schedule that I'm sticking to this week...even though I'm borrowing computers...it will work out. I better get to it!
Happy Monday! GO!
xx, Jamie