Welcome to 2020!
I have taken a massive step back at the end of 2019 to just rest. No planning. No evaluating the year and no writing down goals. No client work. No back-end work. I just realized I hadn’t taken any time in the last say 8 years, maybe 10 (!!!), to just not work. I always end up doing something, even on holiday. Yet it feels a bit more like spinning wheels than it does actually getting anything done.
I mean it’s January 13 and I’m just now sitting down to a full day of “work”. And in that I feel 100% better overall. 100% more creative. And also more clear about how I want this work-life and JHD to look.
I am in Berlin but I’m really still plugged in to the USA and the rhetoric around the new year and business feels completely toxic. In considering that I realized that our moving to Berlin was really us consciously deciding to walk away from the constant treadmill of DOING/ HUSTLING that is pushed in the States.
I mean we’ve been here in Europe for almost three years and I’m just now relaxing into the concept that one doesn’t have to just keep constantly DOING.
Even hobbies in the States are something that should make money or at least be working on your physical appearance, something “productive”. And so much comparing. If I hear one more person/ podcast discuss how they’re a “recovering” type A perfectionist while also doing everything that maintains the type A perfectionist behavior I’m going to scream.
And I have 100% bought into it till now.
I’d like to step away from the postering and step into real authenticity and connection.
I don’t have resolutions or goals for the new year, except to not have resolutions or goals. I am not going to buy into the idea that anything, but especially me or JHD, needs to be fixed. So many of the things I’ve been guided to do in business, by others whom I’ve paid to give advice, is great for someone else or another business but doesn’t align with me. I am tuning it out. Our work is quiet. It’s detailed. It’s thoughtful. It’s unpretentious and real. It’s for you, not for impressing your followers on social media.
Our working time is going to be less and our play time is going to be more.
Our commitment to our amazing clients and the amazing projects scheduled for 2020 is deepened by being more purposeful with what we’re allowing into our space.
Our creativity is going to expand and our projects will expand with our off time being full of play rather than being full of more DOING.
I am very excited about this new direction that feels different to me but may not LOOK that different to outside viewers. We’re just not buying into working all of the time or always being on.
I talk to my client’s a lot about lifestyle and how one’s environment can serve the life they want. And that’s what we’re going to live for ourselves as well.
What’s planned for this space are discussions on our current services being offered, discussing specific elements of our projects, and what I’ve learned from working as an interior designer for the last 17 years.
We’re excited to connect more, show up more outside of working with our dear clients, and to bring more fun for fun’s sake to 2020. Thanks for joining!