This week my agenda is completely full with post-its added to each page to fit in more to-do's & appointments. May is always this busy. It's like we all realize that the year has flown by & we want to use May to catch up. Or maybe that's just me.
I'm spending the week relearning schedules & routine. I've inadvertently gotten out of the habit of prioritizing what I actually need & want to get done & do. Giving too much to everyone else & having nothing left for myself. I've been so scattered this entire year, like I'm chasing it. So I'm taking the advice of Twyla Tharp in The Creative Habit & forming routines. It feels against my nature but it's working. I have more room for creativity. I'm slowly adding something to the routine every week. I've added morning workouts & blogging the past couple of weeks. This week I'll be adding actually following what I write in my agenda instead of going with the urgent items that seem to always pop up. I'll fit those in, but sticking to my agenda is top priority. There's so much to do & I want to be able to do it & have time for a real life. Gotta make those goals. Let's do this! GO Monday!!
XX, Jamie