Friday Back When.

"To help eliminate some confusion about style names and antecedents, here's a look at the nine major influences that are most signifigant contributors to the design of today's furniture. They are: French, English, Italian, Oriental, Spanish, American Traditional, German, Scandinavian and American Modern."

"Furniture styling tends to follow social history. In past centuries, furniture was made by cabinetmakers serving royal courts or by country craftsmen who translated the elegant court styles into crude but pleasant provincial adaptations."

"Traditional styles often took their names from reigning monarchs or monarchies: Louis XV, Queen Anne, Jacobean. Or they borrowed their names from styles of government-Directoire, Regency. Country styles are usually named for their place of origin: Italian or French Provincial, English Country or Early American.

Few can afford truly authentic antiques but all can have the handsome reproductions and adaptations of earlier designs that are available in today's furniture."




Friday Back When is a weekly feature highlighting images and text from vintage decorating books. Today's exert is from The Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement Volume 1 A-AME.



Friday Back When.

This is my NEW weekly feature that I am so excited about! Each Friday I'll feature design inspiration from the past! I love looking through old design books, they can be so funny. I'm sure we'll say the same things about today's books in 40 years. A lot of the styles in the images aren't THAT much different than what is being done today. I think it's amusing.

"The homemaker who has confidence and enjoys tracking down exactly the right furnishings may decide to do all the decorating herself. Professional decorators (commonly know as interior designers) can give expert guidance that can save time and money. They are familiar with many lines, know how to find what you want; they have learned by experience how to select the longest lasting furnishing, know where to economize and where, in the long run, it's better to pay a little more for greater satisfaction.

If you use a decorator, decide first how much you want him to do. Determine what kind of services he offers. Some offer consultation only; others will help you shop, and some will help with everything from planning to actual purchasing. You will need to itemize this information before you can arrive at any kind of budget."

{image & expert from The Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement Volume 1 A-AME}



These ADORABLE vintage doll-houses certainly qualify for my vintage/retro/still officially unnamed Friday Feature:) Somethings Hiding in Here are amazing creative entrepreneurs that happen to be an adorable married couple. They chronicled some of their collections on Flickr. I LOVE these vintage tin doll-houses. I remember actually saving up my money for a long time & buying 1 at the store. I wonder what ever happened to it...

Happy Black Friday! I won't be participating...well maybe some online shopping;) I'd LOVE to hear about your adventures shopping today! Good deals? I wanna know.


