
31. I'm in an almost unbelievably different place than I was when I turned 30. China. I would have never guessed. I should be writing more down here, it's so different. I wonder if I'll come back different. So much of being 30 was evolving & growing. I hope 31 is more about using what I've learned & settling into myself. I don't want to do another goal list, 31 to do before 32, or is it 32 to do before 32? Either way, that's too overwhelming for me & disappointing when I don't complete the goals. For 31 I wish & hope.....

-to take life a little more slowly. to savor. to enjoy.

-to not over think. to just do. to fail & find myself on my feet again.

-to trust myself. i've listened to so much advice & i've read so many articles & now it's time to listen to me. i realize that much of what they say isn't anything at all. i know it already & i know what does & doesn't work for me. time for some trust & confidence.

-to move past who i feel i'm expected to be as a designer. to create my own definition of interior designer. i've never been like anyone else. now is the time to finally embrace that.

-to forget society & the expectations of a 31 year old woman. to be the person i am, i don't need fixing, i'm good as i am. flaws & scars are part of the package, they show a life well lived.

-to remember that it matters. everything matters. don't phone in time spent with people i love. remember to create magic moments from everyday. don't be lazy.

-remember, 1 thing at a time. multi-tasking is for another type of person. focus. don't worry if other people do it differently or seem to be getting better results. 1 thing at a time, keep moving forward.

-to show everyone i love that i love them, i want them to know how amazing i think they are. at the same time i want bring more creative types into my circle while letting go of the people that are there only because we used to be friends, knowing we know longer have anything in common or really care what is up with each other, uh hem Facebook. (that's for another post;))

-to know what i want & where i want to go. to stand up for that, to live in line with it. to acknowledge that some people will push & push to get their way & take advantage. to systematically remove them from my life. "set your intention so that nothing but positive energy can come within your sphere and nothing but positive energy will go out from you into the world." -AC Ping

This year will hold another trip to China, a trip to Amsterdam & Germany, a sweet anniversary trip back to New Orleans,  HOPEFULLY the income & time for a trip to California to see all those that I love there. Somewhere in there I MUST fit in a trip to a state I've never visited (a life goal, visit a different state every year till I've been to all of them- so far I'm ahead of the goal). I will run another full marathon, this time training like I mean it & hoping beyond hope my knee cooperates. I will use my cameras more & experiment with different types of photography. This year I will spend magical times on our front porch, biking our neighborhood, enjoying the amazing local restaurants around us, savoring my food. I will show that man how much he means to me in everyday ways. I will devote myself to this site & my business. There will be a site redesign. I will do my best to give my clients all of the service they deserve & pay for. I will relax & enjoy the process...this is a hard one.

Most of all, I want to settle into who I am. I want this site and my business to reflect that. I want to give more.

Thank you from my heart, for being there.


(in that sweet package above was the most beautiful necklace that my guy purchased for me from Dinosaur Toes. I am so blessed.)


I'm so happy to get over 2010 & on to something new. 2011. I have such high hopes for you. I launched Jamie House Design in 2010, I worked REALLY SUPER hard to get it launched...then sort of let it drift. Not my business exactly, but this blog & the website. I'm really disappointed in myself about that. I started this business because of exactly what Seth Godin says here...

"The people who successfully start independent businesses (franchises, I think are a different thing) do it because we have no real choice in the matter. The voice in our heads won't shut up until we discover if we're right, if we can do it, if we can make something happen. This is an art, our art, and to leave it bottled up is a crime."

Then it happened that everytime I sat down to write a blog post or update the site I froze. Completely scared that maybe dreaming of my business is ACTUALLY better than the possibility of failing at my business. Scared of this unknown of what a designer is expected to be & how a designer is expected to act. I'm still fighting with it now. But I understand it now. I'm ignoring it & pushing it to the side now. THAT'S how 2011 will be different than 2010. I won't leave it bottled up anymore, my art that is. My designs are my art. That's why I've had this drawing I did staring me in the face for the last few months...

Because it's not too late. I've launched, I've ignored, I'm ready to stop neglecting this website & my interactions with all of you that inspire me everyday. I have a blog schedule set up. I'm planning out the reworking & additions for the website. I have PLANS in place for my business, Jamie House Design.

2011 Goals- condensed to 3 so as not to overwhelm...me.

1. 5 days a week blog posts, weekly & monthly features as well as updates on my projects (their pretty cool,  I can't wait to share some of my everyday life with you!)

2. Update my site to include links to suppliers/shops/vendors that I LOVE so you can enjoy them too, work out the details to get 10% of my profits donated to your choice of 2 charities, include more video & add a new style finder section. I'll also be updating my Facebook page more regularly with special discounts & items that will only be available there (so go "like" me:)

3. I'm putting this out there...I'm going to publish an E-Book. I will make it available for free to all that subscribe to my blog. That's a BIG DEAL for me to commit to putting together a book. But I have good things to share & I'm excited about it.

Thanks for all of you love and support! I'm excited to see what 2011 has in store for us all!




Wow can you believe its November already?? This year has FLOWN by me!

I've made SO MANY changes lately, thus my absence from the blog  & nearly the internet completely. I started a job at a furniture store, I lasted 2 weeks, almost. I was sick the last few days so I'm not sure that counts. Nevertheless it wasn't for me. At. All. I am TERRIBLE at retail sales...namely working for commission.  OK, it seems working for other people DOESN'T work for me. So for the first time in my life, I quit. Irresponsibly too. I emailed my resignation & never went back. Total. Irresponsibility. It felt amazing. Totally freeing. I sent the email on a Saturday & by Monday I was overwhelmed with work. WHICH IS SO GREAT. Since I've completely let go I have had SO MUCH fall into place. AWESOME. I am so thankful for all of you. THANK YOU so much for supporting me & my dreams. It is so exciting. I'm finally getting my schedule & workload figured out so I'll be back tending to my blog & catching up on all of your amazing blogs. I've missed you!

In preparing my November bulletin board I have to start thinking about the month ahead & what EXACTLY I want to get out of it. I want to work as much as I can. I want to create & design & dream. I want to make presents & meals & desserts. I want to work on my cute little house. I want to spend as little as possible...except I REALLY need some boots;) I'm so excited that the weather here has cooled down...it only gets to 75 lately, you know instead of 90. I'm sure that'll change soon so I'll keep on soaking it up as much as I can. Here's the details of my board...

1. YOGA! I've been saving up coupons, groupons & offer codes from studios all over Houston. I'm going to get my Yoga on. Seriously. Yep I said get my Yoga on;) I LOVE Yoga, it makes me feel normal. I LOVE practicing from home using podcasts, but getting help now & then is SO HELPFUL.

2. November is about family & friends & EATING. I can't wait to enjoy time & good food with the people I love.

3. Chris Guillebeau, The Art of Non-Comformity, will be in Houston on his Unconventional Booktour November 18th. I can't wait. His blog is bananas. I've been following him for years & he just keeps getting better & better. Complete inspiration. Check out his schedule here & go see him if you can & buy his new book.

4. I want side tables like these so badly I dream about them. I've searched estate sales like you wouldn't believe. I. Will. Find. Them.

5. Draperies! I have the fabric for my living room draperies  & kitchen roman shades. Now to sew them, first to figure out how to sew them. If all else fails I'll have my workroom take care of it. It's just so satisfying to create draperies for your home yourself.

6. Closet organization is my MAIN priority. I have thismuch closet space. I have an entire season of clothes that don't fit. Since Houston doesn't really have seasons this is proving to be an issue. I must organize. I must get more of the amazing Real Simple slim hangers, they work wonders. This amazing closet belongs to The Glamouri.

7. Boots. Yes please. I need/want all three pairs. I LOVE flat boots. Love love love. I bought a pair SO MANY years ago & recently threw them out. I miss them terribly. But they were in TERRIBLE shape & I knew if I didn't let them go I would continue to wear them & continue to wish I'd JUST go buy new ones. Well I still haven't. I must make this a priority;)

8. It's FINALLY time to bust out the fall clothes! This will coincide with the closet reorganization. This image is also The Glamouri...her blog is fashion overload, you'll love it.

So let's get on with it November. There's SO MUCH to do. I'm not even going to think about it being nearly the end of the year. Nope shhhhhh. Stop thinking about it. Live this moment. We can do this. November!