Workplace Wednesday.

Todays Workplace Wednesday is completely inspired by my need to be more organized this year. I know, I saw that EVERY year;) I was searching Martha's site for some tips & came across a tour of her Martha Stewart Living & Weddings Offices. Love it! What I really love is how her shoots & styling is SO FLAWLESS in the magazines, but the offices are real. They're cluttered. They're full of stuff. It takes ALOT of stuff to style a photo shoot...let alone an entire magazine of them every month. I find so relieving to see work spaces that aren't styled & organized, although this one seems to be organized chaos. Either way my desk is a MESS. Almost non functional. I'll be tackling that this weekend for sure. Here are some tips to getting & keeping you office & life organized that I've found around the internet...

Gwen Bell's Life Planning Systems. I'll be implementing these for sure.

Great post about GTD on ZenHabits (also check this site out for all sorts of tips on living more simply).

A to Z Storage Solutions from Real Simple.

Martha's tips for getting organized in 2011.

Jessica Gonacha has the cutest 2011 goal sheets (FOR FREE!!!) stay focused instead of losing steam around February;)

& OF COURSE The Glamouri's closet organizing tips (I'm STILL working on getting my tiny closet organized).

Do you have any organizational goals to do this year? I have SO MANY. I need to be more realistic I know. I'm inherently not an organized person, I'm messy, I have papers & clothes everywhere. I'm working on it...or rather I'm trying to figure out how to work with it. I'm forgiving & accepting myself & my quirks this year. I like the attitude that we're fine how we are, no need to fix. But I DO need some organization:)



Workplace Wednesday

I love love love seeing where people create. It's taken me a LONG time to find a weekly feature that I haven't already seen all over the internet & something that excites me enough for me to keep it up. SO here we go! When I was thinking about what workspace would be my first Workplace Wednesday post I went straight to 1 of my top favorite number one artists, Kime Buzzelli. I'd be blown away if you haven't seen her art around. She even has an eyeshadow set with her packaging design for Urban Decay, which I have of course;) I first saw her featured in Nylon or something years ago. She ADORES fashion & vintage & incorporates the 2 into her art. In addition to being an amazing artist she is also a stylist on 90210 currently.

It's so refreshing to see spaces where art is being made. Nothing is perfect, it's pretty scatttered. It's exactly how I I feel more normal seeing other artists spaces. Don't get me wrong, I love beautifully designed & styled offices, I just don't WORK that way.

Here's a video from an art installation Kime did recently featuring a "create your own room" sort of concept.

Email me if you'd like to be featured on Workplace Wednesday! I'd LOVE to see where you create.

xx, Jamie