Let's how to...Succulent Bowl.

I just love succulents. I have tried growing them for years, they usually end up drying out or drowning. I'm obviously still trying to get it right, I just can't give up on them. I found an amazing handmade pewter bowl at a thrift shop the other day & had it sitting around my house awaiting it's purpose till it occurred to me to make a mini succulent garden. Here is how to do it, bear with me, how to's aren't my strong suit.

Gather all of your supplies. You'll need soil especially for cactus & succulents, this is important. Succulent soil provides more drainage, they don't like a lot of water. Yes I did this on my dining room table, I'm lucky that the cute man didn't seem to mind. Just clean up afterwards:)

I got my succulents at Lowes. I'm sure you'll be able to find them at your local nursery. I selected 1 large plant for the center & a variety of smaller succulents that I thought were cute. I just love that one with the pink edges!

Any bowl will work. I chose a bowl rather than a pot so that it fits in with my decor. It's probably not a long term solution but I can always replant them when summer is over, or maybe not. It's all up to you. Be creative though, look around your house & see what you can re-purpose into a succulent planter.

Before adding any dirt you'll want to add rocks for some drainage if your bowl doesn't have a hole in the bottom of it (& what bowl does??). I just went outside & found some rocks, you can also buy some at your local nursery. It doesn't matter what they look like, you won't see them.

Now you'll want to add a layer of dirt to cover the rocks & provide a base for the plants. Not too much, you want to leave room for your plants.

Now is the fun part! Loosen the roots just a bit & arrange them in any way you want. I arrange mine leaning towards the out edge a bit, I'm hoping they'll grow over the sides. I love plants trailing over the sides or growing on things. Also be sure to space them so they have room to grow.

Now fill in the rest of the spaces with your dirt. & clean up your mess...

Now water them! You won't have to water them very much, just make sure they have a sunny spot to sit & grow. I usually over-water, or over-LOVE them;) I'm trying to watch myself & hold back on these & they seem to like it.

I added the Succulent Bowl to my dining table display as the centerpiece. You can use them anywhere, the cocktail table would be cute too. Or your dresser, maybe even your nightstand. Experiment a little, go crazy.

For the spring & summer I pulled out my favorite tablecloth & my mom's green Fostoria. I love how the light hits the green glass! I also LOVE using these white prayer candles. The AC doesn't bother them, they don't have a scent & they're perfect for having around for emergencies (hurricanes & such).

Thanks for humoring me through my first How To! I hope that if you make your own succulent bowl that you share it with me!





Please don't keep that lamp that you hate or those draperies the have driven you crazy since you've moved in or those silly fake plants because you don't know what else to put there. Just let them go. Anything in your home that doesn't make you smile, feel good or have good memories, let it go. You don't need it. Promise. It's worth the splurge to replace, or don't replace it at all, revel in the empty space till the most perfect object finds its way into your life. Start fresh today.

Workplace Wednesday.

Todays Workplace Wednesday is completely inspired by my need to be more organized this year. I know, I saw that EVERY year;) I was searching Martha's site for some tips & came across a tour of her Martha Stewart Living & Weddings Offices. Love it! What I really love is how her shoots & styling is SO FLAWLESS in the magazines, but the offices are real. They're cluttered. They're full of stuff. It takes ALOT of stuff to style a photo shoot...let alone an entire magazine of them every month. I find so relieving to see work spaces that aren't styled & organized, although this one seems to be organized chaos. Either way my desk is a MESS. Almost non functional. I'll be tackling that this weekend for sure. Here are some tips to getting & keeping you office & life organized that I've found around the internet...

Gwen Bell's Life Planning Systems. I'll be implementing these for sure.

Great post about GTD on ZenHabits (also check this site out for all sorts of tips on living more simply).

A to Z Storage Solutions from Real Simple.

Martha's tips for getting organized in 2011.

Jessica Gonacha has the cutest 2011 goal sheets (FOR FREE!!!)...to stay focused instead of losing steam around February;)

& OF COURSE The Glamouri's closet organizing tips (I'm STILL working on getting my tiny closet organized).

Do you have any organizational goals to do this year? I have SO MANY. I need to be more realistic I know. I'm inherently not an organized person, I'm messy, I have papers & clothes everywhere. I'm working on it...or rather I'm trying to figure out how to work with it. I'm forgiving & accepting myself & my quirks this year. I like the attitude that we're fine how we are, no need to fix. But I DO need some organization:)

