Let's how to...Succulent Bowl.

I just love succulents. I have tried growing them for years, they usually end up drying out or drowning. I'm obviously still trying to get it right, I just can't give up on them. I found an amazing handmade pewter bowl at a thrift shop the other day & had it sitting around my house awaiting it's purpose till it occurred to me to make a mini succulent garden. Here is how to do it, bear with me, how to's aren't my strong suit.

Gather all of your supplies. You'll need soil especially for cactus & succulents, this is important. Succulent soil provides more drainage, they don't like a lot of water. Yes I did this on my dining room table, I'm lucky that the cute man didn't seem to mind. Just clean up afterwards:)

I got my succulents at Lowes. I'm sure you'll be able to find them at your local nursery. I selected 1 large plant for the center & a variety of smaller succulents that I thought were cute. I just love that one with the pink edges!

Any bowl will work. I chose a bowl rather than a pot so that it fits in with my decor. It's probably not a long term solution but I can always replant them when summer is over, or maybe not. It's all up to you. Be creative though, look around your house & see what you can re-purpose into a succulent planter.

Before adding any dirt you'll want to add rocks for some drainage if your bowl doesn't have a hole in the bottom of it (& what bowl does??). I just went outside & found some rocks, you can also buy some at your local nursery. It doesn't matter what they look like, you won't see them.

Now you'll want to add a layer of dirt to cover the rocks & provide a base for the plants. Not too much, you want to leave room for your plants.

Now is the fun part! Loosen the roots just a bit & arrange them in any way you want. I arrange mine leaning towards the out edge a bit, I'm hoping they'll grow over the sides. I love plants trailing over the sides or growing on things. Also be sure to space them so they have room to grow.

Now fill in the rest of the spaces with your dirt. & clean up your mess...

Now water them! You won't have to water them very much, just make sure they have a sunny spot to sit & grow. I usually over-water, or over-LOVE them;) I'm trying to watch myself & hold back on these & they seem to like it.

I added the Succulent Bowl to my dining table display as the centerpiece. You can use them anywhere, the cocktail table would be cute too. Or your dresser, maybe even your nightstand. Experiment a little, go crazy.

For the spring & summer I pulled out my favorite tablecloth & my mom's green Fostoria. I love how the light hits the green glass! I also LOVE using these white prayer candles. The AC doesn't bother them, they don't have a scent & they're perfect for having around for emergencies (hurricanes & such).

Thanks for humoring me through my first How To! I hope that if you make your own succulent bowl that you share it with me!





Please don't keep that lamp that you hate or those draperies the have driven you crazy since you've moved in or those silly fake plants because you don't know what else to put there. Just let them go. Anything in your home that doesn't make you smile, feel good or have good memories, let it go. You don't need it. Promise. It's worth the splurge to replace, or don't replace it at all, revel in the empty space till the most perfect object finds its way into your life. Start fresh today.

How to hire the best interior designer, for you.

I have seen & heard so many stories with people unhappy with their designers & completely disgruntled. I want to say starting off, just because you didn't have a good relationship with 1 designer doesn't mean that you won't with another, you don't give up on hair dressers after 1 bad cut, so please don't give up on designers. Here are 5 tips for hiring the perfect designer for you!

1. Look at a few different designers portfolios. Don't look at every designer that you can find, you'll start getting confused. Try to have an idea of the criteria you're looking for & stick to those. Then exam the designers portfolios, I mean really look at them. Do the designers rooms really function well or are they just pretty? Look for a designer with a diverse portfolio. A diverse portfolio shows the designers ability to design for her clients style, not just her own style. This also shows a designers ability to listen. A designer that specializes in one style will only be willing to create that one style for you, so be sure you love the style before you commit to the designer!

2. Always interview your designer before you agree to any terms. Most designers offer a free initial 1/2- 1 hour meeting.  A good designer will ask a lot of questions to get to know you, get a feel for your style & space & how you plan to use the space. Ask the designer a lot of questions, try to think of some beforehand. How much do you charge? Do you charge extra for subcontractors? Do you do your own drawings or do you hire it out? What has been your favorite project to this point? Etc.

3. Pay attention to your instincts. Just because a designer has a good reputation or a beautiful website doesn't mean that you will click with the designer. Chemistry is an important part of any relationship. There will be times you question your projects direction, the costs, the fabric on the sofa, etc. When those times arise it's very important that you feel comfortable enough with your designer to discuss how you feel.

4. Read the online reviews, but remember to only keep them in mind, don't base a decision solely on them. If you interview a designer with poor reviews be sure you ask her about them. She should be able to explain the situation, maybe it's her fault, maybe it wasn't. I feel the important part of determining if this designer should be considered is if you feel she's being honest & open with you about the situation. Everyone has business deals that go sour, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are bad at what they do or that they are incompetent. If you don't feel like her answer was honest, that same feeling is likely to follow you through the entire project. Also remember that just because a designer doesn't have any reviews it doesn't mean that you need to be concerned. Her clients may not know where to review or just simply aren't interested in putting their names on the internet.

5. Be sure to ask the designer how she handles the project and herself when things go wrong. They will go wrong & it's not necessarily your designers fault. A sofa won't be delivered in time for your big party, your bedding is made for the wrong sized bed, the wallpaper never loses it's smell. Things go wrong, it's life. But your designer is a professional and she should know how to handle these things for you. That said, I once had a potential client ask me, "if I decide I don't like the paint color, who pays to change it?". The answer to that is the client does. Your designer should require you to sign off on selections & purchases before they are purchased or installed. Hiring a designer is not a way to get your home down for free. I promptly ended the meeting & sent the man a letter declining the project & a list of other designers he could contact.

I hope this helps in your search for your perfect designer! Do you have any thoughts or experiences to share?
